As a certified GWO training provider for a 6 years, IQTC training center has been introducing and conducting various safety and technical courses in the wind turbine environment in accordance with GWO standards.
This time we took responsibility and offered to conduct a CoHE pilot training in IQTC. It is an honour for us that the GWO team trusted our professionals and we hope this training will help to finalize the standard for official publication.
GWO’s Control of Hazardous Energies (COHE) Training Standard have been published in draft, to allow for an extended quality control and testing period. The training standard had to accommodate a rigorous pilot testing programme at GWO certified training centres in Europe, the United States and China.

Control of Hazardous Energies Training Standard
Hazardous energies pose a high risk of injury to all workers working within the wind industry. One of the reasons for this is that hazardous energies are found in various forms within the wind turbine environment and within the environment of a wind farm.
Therefore, this standard has been developed in response to the demand for recognizable Control of Hazardous Energies (CoHE) Training in the wind industry and has been created in co-operation between members of the Global Wind Organisation (GWO) based on risk assessments, in-depth descriptions of job-roles and tasks
relevant to CoHE in the wind industry and factual incident and accident statistics pertaining to the installation, commissioning, service and maintenance of wind turbine generators and wind power plants.