When you are going to start your way in Wind Industry, and looking for training you need to obtain required competencies, you probably will face the choice of different offers.
One training providers will propose you to get all available for one price. And you may think that it’s advantageously despite the high cost.
Other course operators may tempt you with “no learning” training. You pay for training and receive your certificate, which is recorded in the WINDA database, but you don’t need to visit the training place and go through the studying. Such “training” is chipper; you won’t waste your time or go somewhere for several days to get training. And your desire to save time and money may encourage you to accept the offer.
But be careful with your decisions! Think what you choose in real.
Are all trainings you’ll get in a package will used in your future job? Or will they never be used, and as a result your training fees will go down the drain?
Do you really only need a certificate? Are you ready to neglect important knowledge and skills for safe professional activities?
Please, take some advice from IQTC professionals
Do not rush to complete all the courses before you haven’t explored the job market.
Almost all certificates have a limited validity period and must be refreshed in time. And this period may expire before you have a chance to use your certificate.
The large part of training with unlimited validity period not in demand for the most jobs in Wind Industry.
And vice versa, some special training, required for high paid job, may not be included to the “big pack” of courses. And you will lose opportunities or must get this training additionally, investing more money and time.
Therefor, you should monitor vacancies, read Job descriptions, explore experience of other technicians who are already work on wind turbines on LinkedIn, Facebook, recruiting companies’ websites. Don’t hesitate to ask people about their first steps in a profession you are interested in.
I sent more than 100 CVs to employers worldwide—yes, I didn’t set a limit. I received about ten responses, one of them was from a company in Germany. Ultimately, I chose to accept their offer. I wasn’t concerned about money at the moment; what really motivated me was the chance to expand my education, acquire real-world experience, and learn as much as I could about the industry from the inside out.
Olegs Pilats
“No learning” training
As for this way of getting new skills, we leave this choice to your conscience because it is a matter of everyone’s responsibility: personal, professional, civil.
Keep in mind that all certifications granted by the training provider are withdrawn and deemed void if the GWO learns of a breach of the provider’s policies.
Not only you will lose the money you paid in this case, but you will also damage your reputation and have to individually establish that you are entitled to a WINDA ID.
Our team helps you to build your future step by step. We are here to advise, to guide, to introduce, to find the best solutions. The best way to decide on the required set of courses is to contact us directly and have a chat about your experiences and wishes, and we will suggest the most suitable option for you.
How to make a CV
A guide to creating a CV for jobs in the wind energy industry